website info
Since I started learning html and all the related stuff I wanted to have a personal site. However, I needed a while until I was able to realize my plan of creating a half-way decent layout. As you can see if you go to
previous layouts the first design was very, very simply - a total beginner's layout, but everyone has to start somewhere. Overall I have never made any really big changes to the site and it exists pretty much like this since the 05 February 2004, the day it went online.
I was thinking pretty long about a name for my site, after all it was supposed to be creative in a way and not boring. I only knew I wanted to have something with 'midnight', as this is often my favourite time of the day. First I wanted to use 'Midnight Blues' but unfortunately it was already in use. I needed a new idea and settled on Midnight Tears because it had a nice ring to it. I've never ever considered changing anything about the name because I still like it as much as at the beginning.
Midnight Tears exists since 05 February 2004.
Archived here are 247 wallpapers, blends and collages, 6 moodthemes, 6 textures, 33 stock images, and 8 gradient sets.